Sex (ré-édition)

Publié le par Bonzo

I could wait a thousand hours

Until you open your door

But I can’t wait no more

The opening time of your flower


I can only imagine my fingers

Softly sweeping your silky skin

I feel now like a teenager

Beyond its dreams falling


Minutes after minutes I slip

From the nape of your neck

To the nape of my desire’s deck

From where behind mountains I’ll ship


I can only imagine your eyes

Closed to the sound of my voice

Keeping each moment in Joyce

Maybe you’ll join the sky


Drawing you like a blind

I don’t want you to be kind

May I just be the one apart

Who will feel the heal in your heart


Watch me growing when you whisper

You’ll be mine forever

I dive and touch your soul’s depth

When, as unexpected as death


You show me the way to the gate

Where love beats the unbelievable hate



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Oh Yesssss ! Mmmmmh....Choupa
Sorry, I do not know read English, studies are far behind me But I imagine that it must be niceC'est google qui le dit ;-) J'ai mis la réponse sur mon blog pour la fleur en sucren, en tissu ou naturellebonne soirée