My god !

Publié le par Bonzo

Don’t say you should love me so

Before you’ve seen my own ego


The rest of your life You’ll pay

The pain you did not betray


When the sky becomes your grave

Upon us all

Don’t forget we’re only slaves

In amusement Hall


I am digging them so far so low

Waiting for death as only law


My Lord. That’s what they say

To call my pity once in their way


When the sky becomes your grave

Upon us all

Don’t forget we’re only slaves

In amusement Hall


Why should the sky that I saw

Be my heaven. Because you told me so


I wonder if wandering is a way

For all tramps you give away


When the sky becomes your grave

Upon us all

Don’t forget we’re only slaves

In amusement Hall


Please leave our dreams so low

And even if you don’t le me go


I’ll never forget this soft play

You gave us on Christmas day


When the sky becomes your grave

Upon us all

Don’t forget we’re only slaves

In amusement Hall



Publié dans In english

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je suis sur que c un bo poeme, faut juste que je me mette un peu plus a l'anglais,lol<br /> bonne continuation!!!<br /> a+<br /> el mini